Saturday, October 24, 2009

Disable the Shutdown Event Tracker

To disable the teasing Shutdown Event Tracker, choose start > Run... > and type GPedit.msc

Then go to Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > System > Dbl-Click "Display Shutdown Event Tracker" and select Disabled.

Setting up a Virtual Domain

Getting Multiple Virtual PCs to Work Together

Sunday, October 18, 2009

extending a virtual hard drive vhd for Virtual PC / Virtual Server

I saw this good link to extend virtual hard disks. I change it a bit and here is what I did:

(please check as well the good post

To extend the VHD you need to use a tool called VHResizer from the host. It is really good. Then add the new drive as a secundary HD of some virtual machine (does not need to be the one you are going to use that VHD - I used a Windows XP VM. In Disk management from windows, right click the just extended space and create a volume.

Then use the diskpart.exe command line tool from microsoft to extend the volume.

VMWare ESX has a tool for that included on the product called vmkfstools.